Posts Tagged ‘Melbourne’


/ December 13th, 2011 / Comments Off on Publications

This is a complete and up-to-date list of all published books and articles written by Gary Presland (1) Authored books & edited volumes: 2022    Preserving our past: the Box Hill Historical Society 1963–2013 (Box Hill:  Box Hill Historical Society Inc.)

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The Place for a Village

/ June 14th, 2011 / Comments Off on The Place for a Village

Have you ever wondered why Melbourne is located where it is? Or why it has the shape it does? The original point of settlement was about seven kilometres up the Yarra River from Port Phillip Bay. Urban development in the

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First Residents of Melbourne’s Western Region

/ June 14th, 2011 / Comments Off on First Residents of Melbourne’s Western Region

For thousands of years before Europeans settled on the land now covered by the western region of Melbourne, it was the estate of a number of Koorie clans. This publication looks at the original landscape and examines the social life of local Aboriginal people

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